Julien Blanc, of Real Social Dynamics, says of his being banned from Australia and legendary comedian Bill Cosby’s speaking engagement schedule simultaneously being cleared, “really, the timing could not have been better.”
Mr. Blanc says he approached Bill Cosby at one of his local haunts during the lunch hour, and established what he calls “kino” by lightly touching the comedian’s arm while asking an innocuous question about whether or not he likes to brush his teeth before flossing. “Y’know, just to open the conversation” Julien says, imparting some of the wisdom of his trade.
“It was one of the easiest closes. . . ever,” the controversial Pick Up Artist and guru says of convincing Bill Cosby to give a lecture at a Pick Up Artist convention in San Diego this last week.
Asked about the moral implications of booking a man who is alleged to have chemically incapacitated and then sexually assaulted almost 20 women, Julien Blanc said this of Bill Cosby, “look, he’s got the knowledge about how to bed almost 20 women, and there’s no set rule about performance enhancing drugs in Pick Up Artistry.”
Bill Cosby could not be reached for comment.